types - of - exercises

types of exercises

The word exercise means different things to each one of us, but according to the American heart association and other health organizations exercising falls into four main types and these types of exercises are: 1- Endurance Exercise (Aerobic Exercise) 2- Strength Exercise (Resistance Training) 3- Balance Exercise 4- Flexibility Exercise Read more…

legs - workout - with - dumbbells

legs workout with dumbbells

Most of the people who go to the gym ignore leg exercises though having a strong lower body is important to performance whether we are talking about sports performance, gym workouts, or normal daily functions. we will be focusing on legs workout with dumbbells You must exercise your lower body Read more…

back - workout - with - dumbbells

back workout with dumbbells

In today’s post, we will discuss back workout with dumbbells. Working with dumbbells is a great way to muscle growth, muscular back, and broader back which will give your upper body a nice shape. “Exercising the back reduces stiffness by keeping the connective fibers of ligaments and tendons flexible. Improved Read more…