A triceps is a group of three muscles that connects your arms to your body, where they allow you to push your hands and extend your elbow. we will be focusing on dumbbell exercises for triceps

One might ask why I need to exercise my triceps. the reason is that this is a small group of muscles, and it is one of the most hard-working muscles in the human body. We use them to carry out many daily tasks.

Many of us do not exercise triceps the way we do with biceps, the person’s strength is not measured by the size of his/her bicep, but by the force in a person’s triceps.

Reasons why you should exercise your Triceps:

1- Strong triceps allow you to push more weight

2- They create the balance needed for strong biceps

3- Having strong triceps reduce the risk of injuries

4- They are what makes your arms muscles look bigger and more defined

In the post, we will list some dumbbell exercises for triceps that will help develop strong triceps and challenges your muscle in a new way.

Two-Arms Triceps Extension:

This exercise can be done standing or seated.

1- Stand straight holding one dumbbell with both hands behind your back

2- Make sure that your upper arms are pointing straight up

3- Raise the dumbbell up by curling your elbows

4- Slowly lower the dumbbell back to starting position after a short pause

5- Repeat the exercise for 4 sets, 10-12 reps

Seated Two-Arms Triceps Extension:

1- Sit on a bench with back support holding one dumbbell with both hands

2- Extend your arms fully and raise the dumbbell overhead.

3- When you reach the top slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head

4- Make sure that your elbows are steady

5- Pause for a second, and then extend your arms back to the starting position

6- Repeat the exercise for 4 sets, 10-12 reps

your upper arms should remain still throughout both types of exercises

Lying Triceps Extension:

1- Lie on a bench on your back while holding a dumbbell in each hand

2- Make sure that your palms are facing up, and your upper arms facing the ceiling

3- Raise the dumbbells by extending your elbows, and then allow them to return slowly after pausing for a second

4- Make sure that your upper arms are still throughout the exercise.

5- Repeat the exercise for 4 sets, 10-12 reps

Triceps Bench Press:

1- Lie on a bench on your back and hold the dumbbell on your sides just above your chest

2- Make sure that your palms are facing each other

3- Push the dumbbells up until your arms are close to being fully extended

4- Pause for a second and lower them back to the starting position

5- Make sure you breathe throughout the exercise

6- Repeat the exercise for 4 sets, 10-12 reps

Triceps Kickback:

To perform this exercise, you will need a bench.

1- Place your knee and hand on the bench

2- grab a dumbbell with your other hand, and make sure that your palms are facing your body

3- your upper arm should be parallel to your body

4- push the dumbbell back slowly by extending your elbow

5- pause for a second, and then return slowly to the starting position

6- make sure that your upper arm is still throughout the exercise

7- repeat the exercise for 4 sets, 10-12 reps

if you want to develop bigger and strong arms make sure that you include these dumbbell exercises for triceps in your workout program. Do not underestimate the value of having strong triceps, because that small muscle helps you in many exercises that you do for other muscles such as the Chest. Having strong triceps will allow you to push more heavyweight when exercising bigger muscles.

When it comes to looks, the tricep is the muscle that makes your arms look bigger, and they give them a nice look. I would like to hear your opinion on the triceps, so please share your thoughts with us by commenting below


Click on the below link for other exercises targeting different arm muscles:



Categories: Exercises


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